Thai Herrick maintains a quality management system, which serves as a benchmark for our industry, it is based on ISO 9001:2015, AISC, AWS Standard, and other applicable industry standards on a project by project basis. Thai Herrick ensures that our fabricated steel products are provided in accordance with the project specications and design documents.
Our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our business in accordance with our company policy 'Zero Accident, On Time, Error Free'

Thai Herrick holds the following: ISO 9001:2015, AISC Certification for Conventional Steel Building Structures, City of Los Angeles Certified Type I Fabricator, Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) Welding Steel Structure Certified, EN ISO 3834 Part 2, EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2011, and Steelwork Compliance Australia (SCA).